
Latin name :

Peumus boldus Mol.

Common Name :


Family :


Origin :


Part of the plant used :

Dried leaf



Boldo, Peumus boldus, is a shrub of the Monimiaceae family that can grow up to 7 metres high. The boldo was used in tanneries for its bark and as fuel for wood fires. Once dried, its leaf is used in phytotherapy for its particularly interesting properties.


It contains alkaloids such as boldine, the plant's main active ingredient, and isocorydine. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recognised the traditional use of boldo in cases of difficult digestion and mild spasmodic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


Boldo has a hepatoprotective effect thanks to its choleretic (increased bile secretion) and cholagogic (increased bile evacuation) properties. The boldo leaf has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, especially at the intestinal level.

The benefits

Boldo promotes digestive comfort by supporting the functions of the liver and gallbladder.


It contributes to the health of women's reproductive organs. Moreover, boldo has a relaxing effect. It provides resistance during the premenstrual cycle and soothes the discomforts associated with the menopause. In addition, boldo leaf helps to maintain joint mobility and flexibility.


This plant helps to restore a natural good mood. In addition, its antioxidants help to protect against free radicals.


Scientific publications

Boldo is the object of more than 93 scientific publications.


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