Our essential fatty acids
As part of its approach, the THERASCIENCE Laboratory is committed to providing oils that meet criteria of excellence for each product containing active ingredients in oily form.
The fish oils used come from small fish (herring, sardines and anchovies) selected for their richness in omega-3 and fished in pure oceanic areas: cold and unpolluted areas of the Pacific Ocean and the North Sea.
Omega-3s can be found in the form of ethyl esters or triglycerides. The omega-3s selected by the THERASCIENCE Laboratory are in triglyceride form. This natural form is better absorbed by the body(1-2).
3. HIGH QUALITY FATTY ACIDS, PURIFIED, STABILISED, AND ECO-RESPONSIBLEThe quality of a fish oil is notably based on its purity, i.e. the absence of contaminating substances, and its stability, i.e. its oxidation state.
Present in all marine environments, even the purest, some environmental contaminants can be bioconcentrated through the food chain. They are lipophilic and can therefore accumulate in oily fish. The THERASCIENCE Laboratory favours omega-3s with strict quality criteria and certification in this area.
>> Strict quality criteria
Omega-3 EPA and DHA are fatty acids that are particularly fragile and sensitive to oxidation. Therefore, it is an important indicator of the quality of an oil. Low levels of oxidation can help prevent the formation of free radicals, improve organoleptic characteristics and extend shelf life.
The TotOx index (total oxidation rate) is used to define the oxidation state of an oil. This index corresponds to the sum of 2 x the peroxide index, which measures the first oxidation products that form when the oil is damaged, and 1 x the anisidine index, which measures the second oxidation products. Thus, the more an oil is oxidised, the higher its TotOx index. According to GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3), a fatty acid is harmful if its TotOx index is higher than 26.
All the omega-3s used by the THERASCIENCE Laboratory have TotOx indices below 10.
>> TotOx less than 10
EPAX® : Patented process for stabilising and purifying oils
The omega-3s used by the THERASCIENCE Laboratory are for the most part Epax®-certified in order to guarantee high-quality, ultra-pure and safe fatty acids.
Indeed, Epax® fish oils benefit from a high-tech patented purification process that eliminates contaminants present in the raw oils, as well as a stabilization process that limits oxidation of the latter. Epax® fish oils guarantee a TotOx index of less than 10.
Furthermore, Epax® fish oils are the result of a strict control plan for fishing areas and benefit from total traceability from the boat to the finished product.
Qualitysilver® : Oil stabilisation process
PHYSIOMANCE DHA Végétal benfits from the Qualitysilver® label. This patented process for stabilising microalgae oils effectively combats the oxidation of oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also increases their resistance to stress caused by a process and by interaction with other components. It thus guarantees an optimal preservation of the nutritional and organoleptic quality as well as the shelf life of the oils.
X.O®: patented process for stabilizing and purifying oils
X.O® is a registered process that optimizes the stability of oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids while delaying the effects of oxidation.
By limiting oxidation, the X.O® process guarantees the quality of the oils and blurs the taste of fish, the sensory marker of marine oils.
FLEXITECH™ : biotechnological process for purification and concentration of krill oil
PHYSIOMANCE® Krill Oil has the FLEXITECH™ label. This label guarantees that the krill oil is more concentrated in omega-3, phospholipids, astaxanthin and choline while ensuring better stability, taste and is odour free. Moreover, the FLEXITECH™ technology is part of an eco-responsible and 100% traceable dynamic.
AlaskOméga®: a certification guaranteeing the origin, stability and the eco-responsibility of omega-3
PHYSIOMANCE®Omega 3-7 has the ALASKOMEGA® label which guarantees :
- Controlled origin : 100% of the omega-3 comes from wild Alaskan saithe in the Bering Sea;
- An irreproachable stability : the fish oils have a TotOx index of less than 5;
- Eco-responsible fishing : Omega-3 come from sustainable fishing with MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certification, which guarantees that the omega-3s come from sustainable and traceable fisheries.
4. FATTY ACIDS WITH LOW ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTIn order to be part of a sustainable approach, the fish oils of the THERASCIENCE Laboratory benefit from labels certifying eco-responsible fishing, concerned about the environment and the preservation of world reserves.
>> Eco-responsible fishing
Friend of the sea©
Our fish oils have been awarded the Friend of the sea© label, which guarantees, as part of a sustainable approach, eco-responsible fishing that cares for the environment and the preservation of the world's fish stocks.
The granting of this label is subject to compliance with the following criteria :
- The product does not come from stocks that are either overexploited, depleted, not evaluated or in the process of recovery ;
- The fishing method does not impact the seabed ;
- The fishing method is selective in order to guarantee by-catch rates below the world average.
The ECO-HARVESTING® label, awarded to the product PHYSIOMANCE® Krill oil, guarantees an eco-responsible fishing technique with low environmental impact, which does not alter the freshness or quality of the harvest.