
Latin Name :

Curcuma longa

Common Name :

Turmeric, turmeric saffron

Family :


Origin :

Asia, India, tropical Africa, West Indies

Part of the plant used :




The plant is cultivated throughout Asia; it is also present in tropical Africa and the West Indies. Its rhizome contains a natural pigment (curcumin, number E 100) giving colours from yellow to dark orange. It is this pigment that is used to dye the robes of Buddhist monks. Turmeric is incorporated in curries to which it brings colour and taste. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has many applications related to its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumins are indeed free radical scavengers. It is also used in the treatment of liver diseases (jaundice, hepatitis).

However, curcumin does not have good bioavailability due to its insolubility in water. In order to take advantage of the benefits of curcumin, it is important to couple turmeric with another active ingredient, such as pepper or ginger, in order to increase its bioavailability in the body.

The benefits

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Curcumins increase the activity of enzymes that destroy free radicals. The anti-inflammatory power is related to this antioxidant effect. Turmeric inhibits the activity of many enzymes involved in inflammatory mechanisms.
  • Turmeric actually has positive effects in the treatment of osteoarthritis, as a gastric or cardiovascular protector.
  • Hepato-biliary stimulant. Turmeric's active ingredients have a stimulating action on the secretion and elimination of bile. Hence their interest in digestive disorders related to laziness of the liver.

Les particularités THERASCIENCE

In order to remedy the problem of turmeric bioavailability, the THERASCIENCE Laboratory uses the Curcussentiel® complex.
This exclusive complex, registered by Laboratoire THERASCIENCE, combines a ginger extract with a patented curcumin microencapsulated by fenugreek fibres, 270 times more bioavailable than a standard extract. Pour en savoir plus sur le complexe Curcussentiel®.



Our products based on Turmeric

  1. €56.40
  2. €47.50
  3. Detoxssentiel
    Alcool (Alcohol)
    • 10
    • +
    • 30
    • +
    • 10
    Alcool (Alcohol) Show product
  4. €36.00
  5. €37.80
  6. Detoxssentiel
    Minceur (SLIM)
    • 10
    • +
    • 30
    • +
    • 10
    XS - MINCEUR Show product
  7. €26.90
  8. €30.90
  9. €50.50
  10. €42.20
  11. Physiomance
    • 60
    HP Show product
  12. As low as €31.70
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