Find the answers to the questions frequently asked by our customers.
Why create an account ?
Your customer account allows you to retrieve your personal information without having to re-enter it, and to modify it if necessary. It also allows you to :
to modify your delivery and billing information
to change your password
track your orders, consult their history and find your invoices
manage your newsletter subscription
consult the history of the notices you have posted on the site
to add your CNCI code
Laboratoire Therascience undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided.
Simple and fast, create your account in a few minutes.
To do so, you just have to :
Click on the tab 'My account'.
Click on "Create an account" and fill in the personal information requested, then validate.
As soon as your account is created, you will receive an email containing a clickable link to confirm your registration.
How do I change my password ?
To do this, simply go to the "My account" section, click on "My dashboard" and then click on "Change password". You will have to enter your new password, confirm it and click on the "Save" button.
How do I get a new password if I have forgotten it ?
To obtain a new password, click on "My Account" and then "Forgotten Password". Then fill in your email address in the field provided and click on "Reset my password". You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.
How do I change my email address ?
Simply go to your account, and go to the "My information" tab on the left. Then click on "Modify" below your first and last name. Tick the box " Modify email ", and you will then be able to modify your email. Then click on "Save".
How do I change my mailing address ?
Simply go to your account, and go to the "Address Book" tab on the left. You will then be able to modify / add your billing and delivery address.
Order not received, product (s) missing in the package
You can contact our Customer Service via the contact form formulaire de contact or by telephone on the number +352 27 86 40 43 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6:30pm (no surcharge, cost of a local call depending on the operator).
How do I get a refund for my order ?
As from the delivery of your order, you have a legal deadline of 14 clear days to return the products to Therascience Laboratory, in their original package with all the unopened boxes. Refunds are made within 30 days following the date of receipt of the products.
IMPORTANT: the return costs remain at your expense.
How can I exchange some products from my order ?
You have 30 days from the date of the order to return one or more products to Laboratoire Therascience. Exchanges only concern products from the LIGNAFORM range. Exchanges can only be taken into account upon receipt of the goods (at the address indicated below) and will be made two days after receipt of the package.
Shipping address for return parcels :
Luxroutage Therascience 18, rue Louis Rossel F-57050 Metz
IMPORTANT : please join to your parcel a payment by bank check of 10,00 €, corresponding to the forwarding expenses. IMPORTANT: this exchange does not include shipping and handling charges, which remain the responsibility of the customer.
How to place an order otherwise than on the Internet ?
BY MAIL : By sending your order form to the following address:
THERASCIENCE LUXEMBOURG SARL 21, rue Glesener L-1631 Luxembourg
How do I pay for my order ?
Therascience Laboratory offers you the following payment methods:
Secure payment by credit card is the easiest and fastest way to validate your order on the website.
After validation of your basket, you just have to choose the method of payment by credit card. You will then be redirected to the secure site of our bank to enter your payment information.
The data you enter on this page (the number and expiry date of your credit card) are encrypted to avoid any risk of computer hacking.
Once the transaction has been completed and validated, you will receive an email with the payment summary.
IMPORTANT: we remind you that Laboratoire Therascience does not, at any time, have access to your banking information.
TRANSFER During the validation of your order, choose "Transfer" among the available payment methods. The bank details can be found in the "Bank transfer" box. Simply enter the IBAN in your bank account and click on "Proceed to payment". As soon as we receive your bank transfer, you will receive an email confirming its receipt and your order will be shipped the same day.
What are the delivery times and costs abroad ?
Laboratoire Therascience delivers to United Kingdom by DHL. (Rates) For any order received before 4pm from Monday to Friday, your order will be delivered within 3-7 days depending on the country of delivery.
IMPORTANT: if sending by mail, please consider the delivery time of your letter. Therascience's responsibility is not engaged in case of delay.
How can I receive by email advice, special offers and news from Laboratoire Therascience ?
To do so, simply subscribe to the newsletter from your customer account or by entering your email address in the field provided for this purpose, located at the bottom of each page.
How to unsubscribe from the newsletter ?
You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time from your customer account, in the "My information" section. Simply uncheck the box "I would like to receive the Therascience newsletter".
I received a promotional code, how can I use it ?
Add the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart.PRIVILEGED CODE », your gift and/or reductions will be automatically added to your order.
What is a CNCI ?
Some products of the LIGNAFORM range require a Certificate of No Electronic Contraindication (CNCI). This is in the form of a secure and personal code given by your health professional.
Why is a CNCI necessary ?
The CNCI is necessary because it is the guarantee that the LIGNAFORM method is compatible with your state of health.
During your first consultation, your health professional trained in the LIGNAFORM method performs a blood test to ensure that you do not present any medical contraindication to the monitoring of the method.
Once this check-up is completed, he will determine with you :
The number of pounds to lose to reach your fitness weight,
The different phases of your method and their duration,
The number of protein preparations to be consumed daily to reach your goal,
The necessary supplementation to correct the micronutrient deficiencies you have.
He will then give you a CNCI, which will allow you to order the LIGNAFORM products necessary for your weight loss program.
My health professional has given me a CNCI in order to order LIGNAFORM products, where do I enter my code ?
To order LIGNAFORM products, you must identify yourself and enter your CNCI in the CNCI tab (left tab), then enter the email sent to your doctor and the code provided by your healthcare professional. Finally, click on "validate my CNCI". You can now make your purchases.
I don't have a C.N.CI, can't I order Therascience products ?
How to obtain a CNCI ?
The LIGNAFORM method must be prescribed and followed by a health professional trained in the LIGNAFORM method to ensure a safe and lasting weight loss. For this reason, part of the LIGNAFORM range requires a CNCI issued by your health professional..
To find the contact information of a specialist doctor LIGNAFORM, contact our dietary service at 0800 90 72 69
Protection and security of personal data
Laboratoire Therascience guarantees the highest security of your personal data, which are not under any circumstances transferred or communicated to third parties. We remind you that at no time do we have access to your banking data: at the time of payment, you are redirected to the site of our partner bank.
In accordance with the French law "Informatique et libertés" n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended and with the new provisions of the (EU) General Regulation on Data Protection (RGPD) 2016/679, which came into force on May 25, 2018, Therascience Laboratory undertakes to honour the trust you place in it, and to scrupulously respect the confidentiality and security of the personal data you entrust to it. For more information, we invite you to consult directly our our personal data protection charter.
Another question ?
If you haven't found the answer to your question, please contact us by clicking on the button below.
Our customer service team will be happy to answer you.