Omega 3
Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are present in fish, rapeseed oil (7.5g/100g) or flaxseed oil (53g/100g). These fatty acids are considered essential because they contribute to the proper functioning of the body.
The main fatty acids in the omega-3 group are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
If, in theory, the human organism is capable of converting ALA, a short-chain omega-3, into EPA and DHA, long-chain omega-3, the yields obtained are lower than those generated by phytoplankton and plants. On the other hand, our body is unable to produce alpha-linolenic acid directly.
Omega-3s have many virtues, and with good reasons. They allow the production of anti-inflammatory molecules: type 3 prostaglandins (PGE3). In addition, omega-3s are involved in reducing high blood pressure. EPA and DHA are involved in the normal functioning of the heart and brain. They also participate in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In addition, DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision.
EPA and DHA are also involved in the balance of the omega-6 / omega-3 ratio. According to the recommendations of the A.F.S.S.A (French Agency for Food Safety), this ratio should be close to 5. Thus, our food should ideally provide 5 molecules of omega-6 for one molecule of omega-3. However, we observe that in most Western countries, the diet is particularly rich in omega-6, but poor in omega-3, which does not allow to reach the required balance and makes necessary a complementary contribution in omega-3.
The benefits
Omega-3s have many properties that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system, the brain and the eyes.
Indeed, while alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) ensures the maintenance of normal cholesterol levels, EPA and DHA contribute to the proper functioning of the heart. The latter are involved in maintaining normal blood pressure and normal triglyceride levels in the blood. As a general rule, it is estimated that a daily consumption of 250 mg of EPA and DHA contributes to the proper functioning of the brain and heart.
In addition, DHA helps maintain good vision.
During pregnancy, the consumption of DHA by the mother participates in the normal development of the brain and vision in the fetus as well as in the breast-fed child.
The particularities of THERASCIENCE
- Controlled origin
THERASCIENCE Laboratory's omega-3s come from fatty fish that are rich in them, such as anchovies, sardines and herring. They are caught in oceanic areas such as the Pacific Ocean and the North Sea, and specifically selected for their purity.
- Optimal bioavailability
THERASCIENCE Laboratory's omega-3s are in the form of triglycerides, the form best absorbed by the body.
- Absence of contaminating substances
THERASCIENCE Laboratory favors omega-3s that meet strict quality criteria and are certified in this field to guarantee the absence of contaminating substances.
- Stability of omega-3
Omega-3s, including EPA and DHA, are sensitive to oxidation. According to the GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3), a fatty acid is harmful as soon as its TotOx index is higher than 26. This is why all the omega-3 used by THERASCIENCE Laboratory have TotOx indexes lower than 10.
- The THERASCIENCE quality labels
The fish oil used by THERASCIENCE Laboratory comes from a patented X.O® process, which ensures the purification and stability of oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. This process delays the effects of oxidation, thus guaranteeing the quality of the oils while fading the taste of fish.
In addition, in order to guarantee superior quality, ultra-pure and safe fatty acids, the omega-3s used by THERASCIENCE Laboratory are Epax® certified. The fish oils used by Laboratoire THERASCIENCE are purified to eliminate contaminants through a patented high-tech process and to guarantee stability against oxidation.
In addition, Epax® fish oils benefit from total traceability, from the boat to the finished product, and come from a strict control plan of the fishing areas.
In order to preserve the world's fish stocks, Laboratoire THERASCIENCE's fish oils have been awarded the Friend of the Sea® label, a guarantee of eco-responsible fishing that takes care of the environment.
Our products based on Omega 3
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