Latin name:

Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis ex Fr.) P.Karst.

Vernacular name:

Shiny Ganoderm, Lingzhi,




China, Japan



This Mushroom encapsulates 2,000 years of Chinese medicine. The reishi is a mushroom that is an integral part of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. The reishi is a mushroom that is an integral part of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine « long-lived mushroom » or « king of herbs». It is also used in phytotherapy and is considered an adaptogen.

This kidney cap mushroom of the Ganodermataceae family, contains minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus), amino acids and vitamins (B5, B9, C and ergosterol, precursor of vitamin D2). Reishi also contains triterpenes and polysaccharides.

Among these polysaccharides are β-glucans, which have immunostimulant properties and promote the production of chemical mediators: cytokines. These stimulate the production of T lymphocytes, macrophages and also NK (Natural Killer) cells, which are involved in the elimination of cancer cells.

As for triterpenes, they are immunomodulants and intervene in case of an excessive reaction of the immune system.

The β-glucans in reishi help to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve the level of good cholesterol (HDL). This mushroom also has hypotensive properties thanks to the triterpenes, thus contributing to the protection of the cardiovascular system.


  • The health benefits of reishi are numerous.
  • It acts on the cardiovascular system by helping to maintain good blood circulation. In addition, it helps to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Reishi also acts on the immune system and helps stimulate the body's natural defenses.

Our products based on Reishi

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