The support of health professionals
For 25 years, the scientific training of health professionals has been one of the priority objectives of the THERASCIENCE Laboratory.

Throughout the year, our medical department organises scientific training courses on the latest advances in research. These training courses are adapted to the daily practice of healthcare professionals in order to better support them in the care of their patients.
Our training courses are given in France, the West Indies, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Poland, Vietnam and China. They provide an opportunity, based on the pathologies and major symptoms frequently encountered by practitioners (micronutritional deficiencies, digestive disorders, cardio-metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative pathologies, sleep disorders, immuno-nutrition, fatigue and chronic stress, etc.), to present practical and effective protocols for the care of their patients.
This is how we offer healthcare professionals, throughout the year, training courses in Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy, thematic expert evenings, workshops in Physiotherapy and workshops for exchanges and practices that allow them to meet and mutually enrich each other with their experiences.
Since 2019, we favour digital training in e-learning (expert evenings on physionutrition, complete cycle of updating knowledge, complete cycle on cellular and metabolic biochemistry) and webinars around clinical cases on physionutrition, immuno-nutrition and hormono-nutrition.

With more than 500 training sessions organised each year, more than 10,000 health professionals around the world have been supporting us and placing their trust in us for 25 years.
Every year, we organize the Therascience Scientific Meetings, where experts and healthcare professionals specialized in Physionutrition gather. On this occasion, we present our innovations, training programs, and tools to support healthcare professionals in their daily practice.
In partnership with the European Institute of Physiotherapy and Phytotherapy (IEPP), the THERASCIENCE Laboratory, through its scientific committee, has been participating for 25 years in the development of specific tools to help diagnose eating disorders, micronutritional and hormonal deficits and to evaluate emotional profiles.
These tools in the form of questionnaires are a major asset for practitioners in their consultation, in addition to a complete clinical examination and possible biology. They can indeed help them to propose nutritional programs and food supplements perfectly adapted to the needs of their patients.
In conclusion, for 25 years, we have been accompanying health professionals in their training in Physiutrition to enable them to better guide all those who wish to take control of their health capital and nutritional balance in order to live longer in good health.