For 25 years, the Therascience laboratory has become one of the major European players in Physionutrition and is naturally pursuing its international development through new subsidiaries and distributors.
The Therascience group has established itself as one of the European leaders in the formulation, production and distribution of effective health products in Physionutrition, Hormone Nutrition and Phytotherapy.
« We place prevention, support and management of diseases, scientific information and continuing education of health professionals at the centre of our concerns and our development prospects "
Key figures :
Over the past 25 years, the Therascience laboratory has become an active group on the international scene with subsidiaries in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, Cambodia, Luxembourg, the West Indies, Portugal, Switzerland, Great Britain and Dubai, as well as distributors in several dozen other countries. Today, the Therascience laboratory is established in more than 20 countries.
Thanks to its international experience, the Therascience group optimises its strengths through permanent communication between all its collaborators in each of the markets where it is present.
This international exchange of information, scientific knowledge, know-how and experience in various markets enables the Therascience group to strengthen its competitive advantages and its position as a leader in the field of physiognutrition and functional medicine.
Our major objective is to naturally continue our international growth !
International expansion is one of our major strategic axes for the years to come.
Discover the advantages of joining Therascience's network of international partners:
- The training of health professionals in several countries and in several languages ;
- The creation of nutritional diagnostic questionnaires for the medical profession ;
The design of individualised nutrional programmes ;
- The development of innovative, high quality and efficient food supplements .
The Therascience group in the world :
Subsidiairies: France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Vietnam, Cambodge, Luxembourg, West Indies, Portugal, Switzerland, Dubai, United Kingdom.
Distributors: Poland, China, Hong kong, Taïwan, Macao, Dominican Republic, Lithuania, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bielorussia, Kirghizistan and Ukraine

Therascience ITALIA
Distribuzione FISIONUT sarl
3 rue de l'industrie, 98000 Monaco
Tel : 800 192 818
Email : info@fisionut.com
Therascience SPAIN
Muntaner 452, 1er 2ª
Barcelona 08006, España
Tel : (+00) 3493 1128 201
Email : info@therascience.es
Therascience BELGIum
Avenue Blonden 52, 4000 Liège
Tel : (+32)04 254 23 03
Email : belgium@therascience.com
Therascience LUXEMBOURG
21, rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
Tel : (+352) 27 86 40 43
Email : luxembourg@therascience.com
Therascience VIETNAM
Email : vietnam@therascience.com
Therascience CAMBODia
Email : cambodge@therascience.com
Therascience FRENCH INDIES
Rue René Rabat - Immeuble Les Lilas
ZAC Houelbourg Sud II
Email : antilles@therascience.com
Therascience SWITZERLAND
21, rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
Tel : (+352) 27 86 40 43
Email : suisse@therascience.com
Therascience PORTUGAL
Email :portugal@therascience.com
Therascience MIDDLE-EAST
Lake Central
Office 507
Marasi Drive Business Bay
Email : dubai@therascience.com
Therascience United-Kingdom
21, rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
Tel : (+352) 27 86 40 43
Email : unitedkingdom@therascience.com
Therascience PolAND
Thera Polska Sp. Z o.o.
Sienna 72/16
00-833 Warszawa
Tel : (+48) 533 296 346
Email : biuro@therapolska.pl
Therascience ChinA
Shang Hai Kuan Yin Shang Mao You Xian Gong Si
Shang hai - China
Cheng Du Chun Teng Shang Mao Xin Xi Zi Xun You Xian Gong Si
Cheng Du - China
Tel : (+86) 0660 659 369
Email : contact@therascience.cn
Therascience Dominican republic
Calle Filomena Rojas de Coba
Torre Corporativa 2015 , piso 02
Tel : (+1) 809 549 6556
Email : robert@therasciencedr.com
Bolshaya poshtovaya ulitsa 38C1A
105082 MOSCOW
Therascience LituaniA
Jonavos g. 7, Kaunas LT-44192, Lithuania
Tel : :(+370) 68 32 30 99
Email : info@immunitas.lt