Carbohydrate reintroduction phase
Slimming & weight loss
Objective of the period of reintroduction of carbohydrates :
- Gradually relearn how to eat a balanced diet by reintroducing sugars into your diet while stabilizing your weight ;
- Reintroduce daily physical activity.
After the active and selective phases, you must be extremely vigilant when reintroducing food groups. Indeed, any reintroduction that is too rapid or unbalanced can lead to weight gain. While weight loss is less during these phases (20% of total weight loss), observing these steps is essential to ensure the transition to nutritional balance. They take place in 4 phases during which sweet foods with a low glycemic index are gradually reintroduced. We will therefore start with fruit, then dairy products, then wholemeal bread and finally, starchy foods.
This period is essential to relearn how to better balance your meals in order to avoid regaining the lost pounds.
Our advice during the period of reintroduction of sugars :
- This essential step must be considered as real work requiring significant motivation and willpower ;
- See your doctor regularly ;
- Follow the indications on the sheets for the different phases ;
- Manage the gaps: if you make a greedy gap for dinner, resume a day of phase 1 the next day, with total absence of carbohydrates.
The advantages of the reintroduction phase :
- Balanced diet ;
- Friendliness ;
- Weight stabilization ;
- Resumption of physical activity.